Featured Books

The Answers Book from Dr. Pat Allen
Finally, the quintessential answers to: Why does my life suck? Why don't I have a great relationship? How can I tell if I'm really in love? Countless people have been inspired by her teachings and have learned how to express their wants and needs with integrity and … [Learn More...]

Conversational Rape
Dr. Pat Allen's prescription for dealing with the people in your life and speaking with integrity. Learn how to ask for what you want and learn to say no to what you don't want without guilt. This is Dr. Pat's seminal work and the foundation of her proven communication technique of Androgynous … [Learn More...]

Dr. Pat Allen’s Getting to ‘I Do’
Getting To "I DO" The Secret to Doing Relationships RIGHT! "The Woman's movement brought us independence, but it did not bring us love" How to Attract the Right Man When you Should Make the First Move..and When you Should Not Why equality in a relationship may not be what you’re … [Learn More...]

Staying Married and Loving it!
How To Get What You Want From Your Man Without Asking by Dr. Pat Allen and Sandra Harmon Marriage is not an end--it's a beginning. Yet, despite commitment, care, and communication, a marriage will sometimes falter. When it does, the good news is that it can be made wonderful again. … [Learn More...]

It’s a Man’s World and a Woman’s Universe
It’s a Man’s World and a Woman’s Universe delves into the challenging and sometimes uncomfortable realm of interpersonal communication. It takes the reader on a journey of growth, with valuable insight into the inner workings of the mind as it relates to the duality of the individual energy. It … [Learn More...]
Free Access: Digital Audio

Dr. Pat Allen’s Monthly Relationship Seminars (Itunes pod cast download)
Dr. Pat Allen Monthly Relationship Seminars (Orange County & Los Angeles locations) For A Limited time : Relationship seminars are available on ITunes podcast for free: Search Dr. Pat Allen Now … [Learn More...]

Chemistry, Compatibility and Communication video
NOW Available online! Chemistry, Compatibility and Communication by Dr. Pat Allen. “Free Access” to the recording. Watch the video today to learn Dr. Pat Allen’s simple rules about the separate but equal needs of … [Learn More...]